Alan woke me up at 2am last night to show me the fire on Mt San Miguel. We can see that mountain clearly from our driveway, and last night is was burning with red nasty flames. It was a moment of panic for me. Unlike the fires of 4 years ago, our air quality was just fine yesterday, we had pretty clear skys, and sunshine. We figured we would be fine, and put the call out to our evacuated friends to let them know they can shack up with us. When I look at the fire maps it seems like we are on the path of the Harris Fire. So, needless to say we are packing up just in case...
Here is a photo from The Union Tribune Blog from last night, our photo's didn't turn out, I think we were to tired and to shaky to get a good shot. This photo is probably from Lemon Grove, which is just below us, so maybe this is 3 to 4 miles closer than what we were seeing...

hang in there Amy! THis is wierd stuff!
wow. see, we dont have anything like that...just occasional eerie yellow tinged feels unreal and I keep forgetting that people are losing their homes and then it hits me as I tuck kids in bed and curl up in the computer room...
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