Well..you might be wondering, what birth? If you are looking at the photo above you will see me sitting on the root ball of a lemon tree, with my Garden Partner Annie working hard to set it free. I guess this photo is a metaphor of sorts for me. You see for the past month, I have been working hard, with my friend and fellow Parent, Annie to organize what we called "The Big Dig Day" at Chloe's School. Long story short, we formed a Garden Committee with Parents, Teachers and Students of the school. What we set out to do, was create spaces where we would have Organic Gardens for the students to work and learn in. You can read all about the details of what we accomplished on our Blog.

Our plans have grown and evolved in just one short month, and it is so wonderful to sit back and see. I feel like this is probably one of the most significant projects I have been a part of, ever! Of course the most important project ever, would be becoming a Mother...but now I have found that Motherhood leads to even more Births, even if its not an actual child you are bringing forth.

I woke up the day after our amazingly successful "Big Dig Day" and thought I would feel relief, that it wouldn't feel so overwhelming anymore, that I could take a breather...but somewhat to my surprise, I realized it was very similar to the feeling I had after making it through Labor with Chloe. I was so focused on the birth through out the whole nine months, and figured I would be home free once that was over, but low and behold ... I realized ..." Wow, I have alot more hard work ahead of me with this Child ... Labor was only one day!" Yes, the School Gardens are like infants , but the best part of all is that it was not just me who birthed those Gardens it was all the Passionate Volunteers, and Garden Committee Members that Birthed them together. Best of all we will all join in on the many years of feeding, nurturing and watching those babies grow ! We will all do it Together !! That was so beautifully displayed by the dedicated people that came and eagerly worked so hard on Saturday..
By the way, I got a great gift out of this...to work closely with Annie! Have you ever worked with someone that you found to be a great fit with ? I mean, someone who understands how you think, you how they think, and has the same level of passion and commitment about it all! I have had few working partnerships in my life that have ever felt this natural, and easy, and its great, because we have somewhat different approaches...but we mesh so well, like Yin and Yang, Thelma and Louise, Cheech and Chong...Okay, well not exactly like Cheech and Chong, but you get the idea. Annie, just know your a true joy to work with, and I love you !! Thanks for all that you do!

By the way, we joke that our Husbands need to form a support group for "Husbands with Obsessed School Gardening Wives!" Wives that spend all there time researching on their computers, making numerous phone calls to each other during the day, staying up late in the wee hours at night creating Garden blog posts...making them feel a very left out.. So, anyone out there interested, HOSGW will be announcing a support meeting soon! We will keep you posted !!
Oh, you're definitely Cheech, Amy! LOL! (Probably a bit more Chong than Annie, too!) ;-)
Both of you are doing a great job.
I can't remember who was Cheech and who was Chong..my brain was too "altered" when watching :)
Amy you crack me up and make me get a bit misty simultaneously...I love the birth photo and analogy! You have made this whole thing fun for me...as I can get a bit over focused and lose sight of the fun-ness of it all... And I can only really remember Cheech...I wish I was Cheech RIGHT NOW actually! (and all this smoke I am inhaling packed a bit more of a punch and less of a wheeze!)
see you tomorrow I am sure
we have babies to nurse (watering), diapers to change (compost) etc.
I love the HOSGW...Shawn had an immediate unpleasant reaction to that :)
I saw some Yin and Yang with you guys...nicely done!
You guys should be very proud of yourselves!
I have countless "Cheech and Chong" jokes to add, but they may be a bit too personal. I will share them all at our next birthday party - as long as L. is doing the baking.
Anything more and the F.B.I. will be at my doorstep....
If you want the FBI, you need to throw in a couple Durka, Durkas!
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