First off, sorry for the scariness of my last post. We are doing fine. I was a little worried about being evacuated, but thankfully that didn't happen. The fire on Mt. San Miguel was contained on Tuesday, partly because of wind changes and also because of helicopters that were able to drop some water. It's one thing to know you have fires going on all over the county, and to see photo's, but once you can see it from your driveway with your own eyes, it really brings it home so to speak. In all reality, that fire about 10 or so miles away and would have had to jump the Sweetwater Reservoir, and two freeways to make it to us. It was unlikely that would happen.
So since Monday we have been camped out in our house (except for a visit to friends yesterday). I would love to report that I spent all this time getting crafty and creative, and would love to have pictures to show, but unfortunately the only creative one in this house was Chloe. She spent lots of time spelling out new words, and making cards for her friends that she misses. Since we have had to have all the doors and window's shut, it has been quite warm and stuffy. I guess it pretty much sucked every little ounce of creative juice out of me. I look at my house and realize all I got done was laundry, and baked one loaf of banana bread, but not much else. Sometimes I secretly wish for a week off of school and time to just piddle around the house. (School does not resume till next Tuesday because of Air Quality). But this by far, is not the way I would want that to happen.

If you would like to look at a map of where the fire has been, check out this. You can also read on the KPBS website. We pretty much listened to Public Radio during this whole week. I did not have the heart to turn on the TV and watch regular news coverage. I honestly cannot stand the sight of a newscaster standing next to a fire, telling us how hot it is, or standing next to someone house that has just burned to the ground with the shot of the address in the back round, walking through to show us, when the people who actually lived there have not even seen the devastation yet. It seems so wrong. I have to hand it to KPBS, they reported with decency, real information, no hysteria, and they used their coverage to help people by taking calls, and advising the best they could. At one point their communication tower was burned in the fire, so the local rock station 94.9 shared their signal and let them broadcast on their airtime, quite noble of the Rockers. I can't imagine what it must be like for so many people right now, who have lost their homes, and animals. I hope in the days to come, I will be able to help the people who have been affected in some way...
Glad to hear you are fairly unaffected. I know what it's like as we have shocking bushfires here and this season is probably going to be a bad one with our lack of rain. It's so much worse when you find out someone has deliberately lit them too.
I know what you mean about having some time out to be creative. I have a huge pile of fabric waiting to be sewn up and I just don't seem to be able sit myself down and get on with it. A big case of procrastination has hit. Maybe I only work well when I have a super tight deadline to meet!!
Cool photos of the colored cards. It would make a cool card!
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