A few details...
Embroidered Vintage Napkin Pocket
Vintage Inspired 1950's smock
The two aprons below are for a girl size 5-7, Chloe says she would wear them as an accessory over her pants.
The Bernina and I have been very busy these past few weeks making aprons for our School's Winter Boutique. This will be my first time selling aprons at a craft fair, and I am looking forward to it. There are a few more aprons that didn't make the photo shoot, hopefully I will get some images of them tomorrow.
Notice in the images my newly acquired dress forms, Mandy & Mindy. Below is the lineup I picked them out of at Farkas store fixtures. It was pretty fun staring at these forms and mannequins trying to figure out which one to pick.
So all my girlfriends out there...come by school tomorrow and get your aprons on...
P.S. My good friend Daleth will be sharing a table with me and selling some very beautiful bags and purses. Great time to buy yourself or someone you love a Christmas present !!
ok, I want want want the one thats a smock with the folded over pocket and the pink green big fleur de lis-ish designs. my mom will die!!
so pretty amy, really!
Hi Amy - thanks so much for visiting my blog. It's great to "meet" you :)
These aprons are gorgeous! Love the way your incorporated the embroidered linens
The pocket quilt is pretty simple to make - I'm sure you'd have no trouble figuring it out. To make the channel in the back for a curtain rod I made the backing fabric for for pockets several inches taller than the pockets at the top, then just folded it over to the back and hand stitched it in place. There are other ways to do it, but this seemed to be the easiest for me at the time.
didn't make it to the fair..but is the Chrysanthemum apron still around? If so..I'll buy it!! Bring it on Sat. and I'll give you a check 'sista! :)
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