I'm back ! Our technical difficulties with I-Photo and Networking were solved by the Cry Wolf Dude. It took the guy almost 2 hours, but after he was done doing his job, we agreed that it was money well spent !
So, I now have my own working log-in (Do you like my screen-saver?) and I can use I-photo on the laptop, plus Alan can get to it on his log in as well. The only bummer is that I lost quite a few days of images and video's from last week, some of those I can retake the shots, but Blake's Birthday party is gone forever...bummer.
I got hit with a nasty head cold this weekend...actually we have all had it, Alan and I were the last to be attacked by it.... Anyhow, it forced me to be in bed most of the time, so I finally had time to read my Canon Power Shot S80 Advanced User's Guide. I guess its about time, seeing that I've owned this camera for almost 2 years! Now I know what all the buttons and settings can do...man its pretty complicated ! I am really such a novice at all of this photography business, but I am hoping that I can really grasp all of the available options and put them to work. ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance,they are starting to make sense, but I do have a long way to go...which is why I choose to do 30 days of images, that way, I can actually try out what I am learning. I have also been spending a bit of time on lynda.com, learning basic digital photography principles. I highly recommend a subscription, they have a huge amount of online courses that are video tutorials...great for the visual learner, like me !
such a georgous orange...
Thanks for the link. I will definitely check them out.
My copy of "Understanding Exposure" came this week from Amazon - it is the book Emil highly recommended. It is really great. The thing I like best about it is it has quite a few photos of the same shot - but with different settings. Good for visual learners!
I forgot to say that we missed you last night and i hope you are feeling better!
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