Today, is my Baby Boy (not so much a baby anymore) Blake's Birthday. He's 4 years old. I tried to go back through photo's to find some earlier baby pictures of him, but since we have switched over to the Mac, and have been having some issue's with I-photo, I don't have anything available beyond last year. So, I had to resort to taking a photo of one of a the Black and White Film series that we have hanging in our hallway. (Which keeps with my theme of a photo a day. It might be cheating using past images, right ?? Good thing is, I can make or break the rules on this one..:)
Back to the photo, this was taken just minutes after Blake was born, by Nicole, the Doula we had helping us. I am so thankful for these images, because my labor was so short and sweet (and lets not forget PAINFUL!) that we may not have gotten any photo's if it were not for Nicole. We laugh because she really ended up being our photographer more than anything. After having a 13 hour labor with Chloe ( 3 hours of that just pushing..harsh, yes I know !), it was a true blessing to have a 2 and a half hour labor with Blake.
Looking at this image reminds me of what I consider to be one of the most precious moments of my lifetime. Not only because I had just given birth to my son, but because my two and a half year old daughter Chloe was right there to share it all. It felt so completely natural, and she was so calm and sweet. I think she was in awe of Blake as we were, but she also took care of me at that moment, stroking my neck and comforting me with her unconditional love. There is really much more to the story of this day 4 years ago, but I will leave that out for now. I do know that I will remember it vividly for a long, long time.
Happy Birthday Blake !!
Happiness for all of you!
one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen...truly captures the magic moments after a new life has entered.
I love it...I remember that beautiful moment of introducing my second child to my first child too...
Happy Birthday to Blake!
Beautiful. A wonderful story.
As I wrote on Flickr I just love how mama and daughter are looking in each other's eyes. Little Blake is just there looking totally content too.
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