Chloe had a her very first visit from the Tooth Fairy last week. It was an extra special visit because she had to have an abscessed molar pulled at the Dentist on Thursday Morning. Apparently the tooth fairy really pays up when you have to have your tooth yanked out ! P.S. The Dentist reprimanded me when I used the word "yank". Of course Chloe was not in ear's distance when I said it.., thankfully.
The week before when we had the consultation to find out what to do about the abscess, the Dentist and staff really put a positive spin on the whole idea of loosing a tooth. They showed her the metal spacer that would be put in to take care of her "unhappy tooth". Chloe was so excited about it, she used her newly learned math skills to count down each day before we had to go back and get that "really cool looking spacer". I asked the Dentist whether we should tell her that he was going to pull out that unhappy tooth, and he said, Oh no, not till the day of the appointment. Now, when I was a kid, the experience was quite different from what my kids are seeing. This Office is so darn "kid friendly", all the way down to the Pac Man game and the Prize cupboard, and although everyone that works there keeps calling me "Mommy" and it starts to annoy the hell out of me (thought only my Little's reserved that right), I see that my children love to go there, and have no fears at all, very different from my experience. So I am truly grateful for it. But... I think they needed to be much more honest and up front about what was going to happen to Chloe. Of course, I realized that was my job...but if I had listened to them.. I think it would have been even more of a shock for her than it was. Luckily I had a talk with Chloe the night before and told her everything that was going to happen, and she said "I didn't know they were going to take my tooth out !!"
Well, the procedure went well, I was told she was a very brave girl. Before it was done I was able to sit with her in the room while she watched a movie. The Dentist, (who is a very sweet and gentle man) came in, and then I said Goodbye. That walk down the hallway out of that room was agonizing. I knew that it would not be good for me to be there...because I was not sure that I could be calm for Chloe...but at the same time, leaving your child with someone else is very scary. In my mind, I knew she would be alright, and that she was with Professionals, that do this procedure over and over again, but that emotional side to the Mothering Instinct can be so overwhelming. I had Blake with me, and he decided to have a "throw himself down and scream like a monster" tantrum in the waiting room, because he wanted to stay in Chloe's room and watch the movie, so is a twisted way, that took my mind off things...
The rest of our day was spent laying around watching movies, and sleeping. It seemed like the reality set in for Chloe, that this spacer thing was not as cool as she thought it was going to be. She had to eat soft foods, her jaw hurt and she couldn't be herself. There was alot of crying, and hugs, and nose blowing. I felt so bad for her, not only because she was hurting, but because this is one of many yucky events she will have to endure in her life time of growing up and experiencing the world. I just kept remembering, how much being a kid sometimes is a real your fantasy world can easily be shattered by life. Check out the picture she drew for the Tooth Fairy....
As for that Illustrious Tooth Fairy...she left a hefty sum of $10, and a very long handwritten note, ( I think her printer was malfunctioning). Chloe thought that was pretty cool... She has now announced to me, after counting all of her acquired cash, that she has "ninety ten dollars" to her name... A rich little girl I say !!
Fast forward to today, Tuesday... Chloe is doing great ! She healed within a day...and all is well...
Yeah..I'm glad Chloe's feeling better. it's tough to leave them ..I had to leave Benjamin alone with doctors when he was 6 month's old to get tubes in his ear...awful...really awful...a baby that doesn't even get it..but it was fine.
Chloe is lucky to have such a great mother that loves her so much :)
Ouch, tough for Chloe and tough for 'Mommy'!! The Tooth Fairy leaves notes for our girls too - isn't she lovely!
I'm glad the Tooth Fairy is very comprehensive.
You may have noticed Pablo's smile - he had his 2 front teeth capped years ago because of cavities. Last spring when they got infected the dentist said we should just pull them.
I couldn't go to the appointment because I had to teach, but Eduardo had a very similar experience where a voice in his brain was telling him, "take him now - run!"
You are right our inside voice can be overwhelming. I guess our instinct is to keep our babies safe.
Glad everything is good now. : }
your dentist doesnt happen to be diana millberg and did chloe get her teeth pulled out downstairsfrom your usual dentist by a cool old guy with a big puffer fish in the waiting room and beautiful trees out side his window??
it just sounds exactly like Macs experience...down to fact that you got reprimanded for not making it sound like a party...(and I just made that concerned face...didn't even say "yank"!!)
anyway, hug that little girl from us all!
I read the note by the way and that toothfairy rocks.
Glad Chloe's doing better & I am sad to say I went thru the same feelings w/ baby Ry when he went in for tests...horrible!
fyi...Indi looks back at her toothfairy letters and realizes now that mom has the same writing as the fairy...she knows :)
Chloe: Sorry to read about your tooth extraction. You'll feel better for Grandma's visit at Christmas time. Life is not always fun! We'll have a good time at Christmas. Love you, Grandma
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