Last weekend our friends Ron and Raluca tied the knot. Alan was one of "two" best men, yes there were two. The ceremony took place in a tiny Romanian Church...which I believe was Catholic and Greek Orthodox "if that is possible"? I found myself wanting to photograph the inside of this church and the ceremony, but it was so small, and the position I was sitting in was not very conducive to capturing the moments. Note to my mother; No, Mom the statue's did not fall over when I walked into the church...
A great time was had by all...

When we got to the reception my friend and Incredible Photographer Ashley, offered me her professional camera to take some shots with. All I can say, is "WOW" what a great camera ! I think Alan got jealous...I spent all evening with the camera instead of him.. Now he knows how I feel about his Love affair with the Mac ! LOL

Alan doing his duty during "The money dance".

This is one of my favorite photo's above....The other best man, Lee. Can you tell what part of his body it is ?
I learned quite a bit from that experience. I have renewed respect for the Wedding Photographer. There is alot of work involved..in trying to capture everything. I got so dizzy from shutting one eye, while using my other eye to constantly look into the viewfinder. Ashley was great at setting the camera to where I needed it to be in order to adjust for lighting and focus. I am such a novice photographer...that I know I am not using the correct terms here, I barely know how to use my own camera, but this experience has left me wanting to learn more, possibly take some photography classes.

All the photo's you see on this post are what I took with Ashley's camera. As you can see there were lots of hue's of blue at this wedding, I tried to capture that...it was really beautiful. I have put the rest on flickr under "Wedding". Thanks to Ashley for cleaning them up and sending them over to me !

This is Ashley above after she caught the bouquet...
You should check out her work here, and here. She is not only a wedding photographer but an excellent family/kids photographer. I will be highlighting more of her work in upcoming posts. She has done some beautiful photographs of Chloe and Blake. If you scroll through her gallery's on Ventana Kids you will see us..
You did a great job with the camera at the wedding. You definitely have a great eye!
Let's play again sometime!
Love the photos you took!
I also have camera lust - I would love to take a photography class some day with you!
Great photos Amy. You should definitely take a photo class. you have that undefinable "it" when it comes to taking photos. Emil has it too.
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