So, I have abandoned this blog for a whole year now, so sorry to everyone, especially my future self, let's see if I can keep up with posting again. I have thousands of pictures from the past year, along with lots of stories, and I have no idea how I could recapture that here. So maybe I will play some catch up in the coming weeks, and maybe not, no expectations, right ?
What I can say, is we are back to school yet again, Chloe is in 4th grade, and Blake in first. We had an amazing summer, great food, an abundant garden, totally relaxing & fun vacations, a fun birthday celebration for Chloe, a festive labor day party with great friends, and lots of time to chill at the beach, which is what I am missing most at this point. So all I have right now is this picture that I LOVE, it was taken on one of those lazy evenings at Coronado beach while we were packing up and heading home. Sun-kissed and grateful for living just 20 minutes away from the ocean.