The best family CD, ever! That's my review.
Our good friends Annie, Matt, Mac, Emmett & Silas, (the West Coast Dreyers, is what they call themselves) just finished this wonderful collection of beautiful songs with the (East Coast Dreyers). It was so lovely to see it all come to fruition last night at their CD release party, held at Plum Pottery. I feel like I was there at the birth of these songs. Last year when I would see Annie in the school garden, or chat on the phone with her, she would sing me lyrics as she wrote them. I would get goose bumps all over my body and warm fuzzy feelings in my heart, I just knew the songs were going to be something special. Well, a year or so later, here it is ! A beautiful gift to us all.... Go listen to it, buy it, and celebrate its messages with your family.
The Dreyer Family Website