We went up to the Del Mar Fair this past week. It really was a perfect day...which does not always happen while attending this type of fair... Chloe and Blake were in their glory, of course if I indulged them, we would be going to the fair everyday. Instead, we have lots of images to remind us of our day...
This Monster Truck below is always outside the fair on display...Blake loves sitting in the tire...we have pictures from previous years on it...looks like a tradition is started.
Then there was the food...we stayed as healthy as we could with corn, lemonade, and Greek food.
Of course you could have fried "anything", yikes !
There was the pig race...to which we won a coupon for a free pound of bacon from Ralph's, kind of unsettling in my opinion. I could have a whole discussion on the Animal factor at the fair... Caged farm animals to look at, parade around to be judged on their best physical attributes, raced for entertainment...I kept saying to myself...I know these farmers love their animals, right ??
Pony Rides...also a tradition
The kids rides...loads of fun...
Wine tasting for the adults...all local...San Marco's, Temecula, all together excellent, and a nice way to relax towards the end of the day...
The view from the Sky Ride...nice way to get back from the Kid Zone.
My favorite part of the fair... The Flower & Garden Show, different groups design and implement some amazing landscapes.
Two Happy children with their Budda/Fairy/God Mother, and Cally the stuffed dog we won.
What a nice day... My recommendations for any of you local folks reading this post who are thinking about going to the fair. Spend the day there, make sure its a cool one, & go on a weekday to avoid the crowds. Get wrist bands for the rides. Have an equal adult/kid ratio. Visit the Fine Arts Building, and the Flower & Garden Show, and don't forget to hit the Beer Garden for a cold one, or a wine tasting !!
Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Love the pics, especially the first one of Chloe and Blake. Sadly, the only days we are able to attend the fair this year are the 4th through the 6th...yeah right, that ain't happenin'!!!
Perfect plan you had, I liked the 1:1 ratio.
I saw this before and got distracted b4 I could comment on what fun that looks like...great pix!
We just got 3 free tickets so we might go!
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