We had our good friends Kellie and Phillip over for dinner last night...and as usual whoever is visiting at bedtime has the pleasure of reading to Chloe and Blake. I snapped this image while they were reading from one of our favorite books written back in the 70's by Roger Hargreaves, Mr. Mischief. I have started collecting the series for the kids...I remember reading these books to my little brother back when I was around 10 years old. I think my favorite one is Mr. Happy. I highly recommend getting some of these books, the kids just love them, and they are really a delight for parents to read to... On the back of each book is a picture of the other Mr. Men and Little Miss's...so we always spend time looking at them to figure out which one we should get next.
We just purchased Photoshop CS2, and for the first time I played around with it, to color in Mr. Mischief. Its not the best edit..I found it a bit hard to stay steady with the brush stroke, but it was very fun ! So, now I have to properly learn the program, more online learning for me, from lynda.com
P.S. For you crafter's out there, the pillow behind Chloe is something I made for her last year for Valentines day..Its pink, with a hot pink heart appliqué, along with an iron on heart. This was the first pillow I ever made...and its soft and fuzzy fleece.
oops...too many spelling errors in my last comment..had to delete it. Love the Mr. books..they're huge in England. They're great...I love that you're collecting them..I'll have to remember that ;)
We have some of that series too...it's great. He looks very mischevious in color...nice effect ;)
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