Valentine Cards...
I helped Chloe put together her Valentine Cards this weekend. We looked through a few craft blogs for ideas, and Chloe choose Patchwork Fabric Hearts (#4) from Kids Craft Weekly. She choose these cute fabrics from my scraps stash. It was a very enjoyable morning for all of us...even Blake got in on the action. There is really a nice opportunity for learning while making cards for your loved one's and classmates. Chloe got a thrill out of checking off each friend from the Class list we have, and counting how many hearts we had to trace, and how many sheets of card stock we needed to glue fabric on to get to 20 total...and of course there were some extras made for very special valentines!
I am on the email list for Kids Craft Weekly, although, its more like a monthly email. Chloe, Blake and I like to look over what kinds of projects they do, sometimes we go for it...sometimes not, but either way its fun, and makes for a good way to spend some time together. It's nice to share the love of making things with my children...
those cards are totally adorable!
wow, those are fabulous ...I feel pretty lame getting lolly pops and just having the kids write to and from on them but this year they just were overwhelmed with 40 kids in each of their classes...they both wanted to just not do it at all, said it felt like homework...which I said was fine with me...later they changed their minds, hence the lollys...anyway, the artistry and loving work behind those cards are really what its all about and all the rest of the Valentines waste makes me wanna puke. more sugar, more trash!
Very cute cards - well done Chloe - I hope she is feeling way better soon. Wow you guys in the US celebrate everything!! My kids wouldn't even know it's Valentines day!
Pretty, haapy Valentine's to all of you.
hi - I saw a post on Cheryl's blog and started looking at yours... and on this day, you have my name on one of the valentine's!! NEATO! So rare!!! :)
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