As I work on handmade gifts and decorations this week with Chloe, I was remembering back to when I was young and made things with my Mother. She worked at a very cool independent Craft Store, with some very nice ladies, (this was before the Micheal's of the world put the small craft store owner out of business). It was called Weatheralls. I know this job made my Mother very happy, she was always making things, still does to this day... (beautiful things I might add). They taught classes there and one of the one's I took was called "Dip n Drape". I can't recall any other classes I took, but I do remember that I made a macrame purse, which I wish I still had, because it would be the perfect one for me right now. I also did alot of "rug hooking". Remember that ??

So, I asked my Mom to take some pictures of what she still has around from my younger days of crafting. She sent these two. Christmas Carolers that she still decorates with till this day... Dip n Drape is basically using some type of glue and water, in fact, the product used might even be called that name. I still remember the stickiness and the smell of it. Anyhow, we started with Styrofoam balls, and various fabrics, dipped them, and then draped them on the figures. This took a period of weeks, because we had to wait for each layer of fabric to dry. We then painted on faces, and here they are in their glory. I must say, they have held up pretty well, considering they must be about 32 years old or so...
Thanks for sending the photo's Mom...
Oh so cute. I have stories of crafting my-self too. The glue we used was called UHU and I loved working with it. My first craft for Christmas was a bunch of poinsettias. Love it.
That's great that your Mom sent you those pics :)
Daleth..I remember Uhu..it was what we used in Africa when we crafted with my Mom (which we did a lot of as there weren't so many entertainments available as in the rest of the world..ie. no tv).
Dip n Drape - great name!
I wonder if they still make it?
Very cute results too.
Happy Holidays!
Wow! All I can say is "so crafty"! Such a fun way to spend time w/your kids too.
Billie Logan..They do still makeit..I order from Zim's Inc, SaltLake City Utah..but it has been several years..I still have some and I make Wizard of Oz sets'(best seller) Santa & Mrs. Clause' Snow White, Raggedy Ann & Andy,My design of a Sitting Baby in dress & bonnet is my favorite. Try it...
I made SEVERAL Dip N Drape dolls, Boy on a Skateboard, Preacher (my dad was a preacher), Southern Belle, just some examples. That was 30 years ago, also. I have been wondering if anyone still did these & just typed in Dip N Drape on Google & found this site!! Great!!!
This makes me want to make some more dolls to get my 22 year old daughter involved. She was raised around them but I haven't made any in 30 years, like I said in the previous comment. I hope I can find the supplies somewhere!! I tried in Jackson, MS & Vicksburg, MS about 25 years ago, with no luck. Nobody knew what I was talking about in the craft stores.
I made characters for my nieces and nephews creating their quirks into them. I wish the product was readily available again.
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