As you know Little Miss Chloe had her Sixth Birthday this month. She received some very nice presents, so when it came time to write out Thank you Cards, I was faced with the choice of getting in the car once again to go to a store and buy more stuff. I feel like all I do is buy stuff and bring it into the house, and then create more trash.
More Stuff = More trips to the Trash or Recycling Can = My visuals of an over crowded land fill = Me saying, Please, NO MORE STUFF !!! = How can I change this equation ???
So, this time around, I found some left over card stock from Valentines Day, some left over envelopes from another project, measured and cut up the card stock, and gave them to Chloe to create her own Home Made Thank you cards ! Even though they still are something that eventually will end up in the land fill, I figured, we didn't add to it more by buying new cards. While we were making these, (and I might say it took us a lot longer than it would have if we just bought them, there were 12 total), we had a great time. It was a nice activity to slow us down so we could spend creative time together. Something I truly love to do with my children. Blake even got in on it, practicing his cutting, and drawing.. A book I am looking forward to getting when it comes out, is just on that subject, The Creative Family.
Chloe is a girl after my own heart !! She could not wait to get home from school each day to finish her cards. I watched her go through what I do when I start a project. I think about it all all day, and can't wait to get my hands working on it when I finally get the chance. The pictures do not show, but she added little intricate secret surprises on the inside of the card. I think that was the most rewarding part for her. A little Crafter she is... how wonderful, I think. Oh, and did you notice the card with Fabric on cute !!
By the way, the original Inspiration for Chloe's Home Made Cards came from this card below that my Mother made, she has been making her own ever since I can remember, It sat on the table while we worked. What treasures....

Some of you reading this post may have already received your cards, but for those of you who have not...I tried to wait, but just couldn't pass up this opportunity to show them to you now. They just went out in the mail a few days ago...and there are still a few yet to go... Creativity takes time you know !!!