Chloe and I were at the Fabric Store one day, and we were talking about the dresses she would like me to make for her and her American Girl Doll which, she so sweetly has named "Butterfly Flower".

As we strolled down the fabric isles, this floral print from Denyse Schmidt's Flea Market Fancy line, caught Chloe's eye. She got really excited and said it reminded her of sunshine. So there I was buying 2 yards of it, and now, I wish I would have gotten more, that's always the case these days.

Those of you who are intimate with American Girls, will notice, she is not the lovely doll in the picture. The dress made it's way to one-handed Ariel...nice to know they can share. ( Don't ask me where her other hand is )

I used an old pattern for a pajama top, and drafted the rest. It was a really easy and quick dress to sew. For "Butterfly Flower" I just measured her, and pretty much winged it on the drafting part. It fit so well, that I will definitely be making more for the summer.

I made the dresses on Mother's Day, while Daddy took care of the kids. When I was done Chloe was already asleep, so I hung up both dresses on her door knob, for her to see when she awoke in the morning. There is something so deeply satisfying for me, to be able to do that while she is sleeping. Knowing she will wake up and find her new dress waiting for her, is really a sweet gift, not only for her, but for me to. I hope she has happy memories of this when she is older. From now on, I think I will always give her something I've made that way.
Blake says he wants a dress just like Chloe's, but I will make him something a little more his style... On to the next project...
Amy, you are so damn cool! My mother made me dresses and I very much remember them, and I also remember when I turned 10 it was suddenly incredibly uncool to wear them anymore..but when I was 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 it was all about my Mama's dresses. I'm going to find the pic of my Mom's tie dye dress that she made in 70s.
ps. When is the skirt making (or anything making) party. I want to get empowered to start sewing, but I don't think I can do it alone!!
Caroline, just wrote some comments on your blog..
I can't quite remember if it was not cool anymore to wear what my Mom made me...but I do remember, my 8th grade graduation dress...we picked out the fabric and I made a ribbon choker with a silk flower on it... That is the last dress I remember her making, because I got into making my own stuff...and she was onto other creative adventures. When I am back in Michigan this summer I am going to find all those photo's and scan them...make for some great blog posts... Love your Mom's Tie Dye dress...would love to learn how to do that...
Annie is the tie dye queen..she can teach you all about that..
I'll have to remember to bring something to show you--it's something I'd love to learn how to sew. It's like a cross between a sarong and a pair of pants. I have a couple, but I want more...and I don't see myself jettin' off to the Philippines anytime soon to pick up some new sawa'al! It might even make for a Blake-acceptable project!
That is so cute and I love the way you gave it to a little mini christmas present!
I too love the flee market line. very good for aprons!
I made a pajamas 3 years ago with little ponies pattern for Aitana, my older daughter, she was so excited about it, it is something beautiful to see. Last year I made her a custome for Halloween and another pajamas, but she didn't showed such happiness. Now there is a fabric with hearts I got weeks ago to make Bidane a dress... Wow! all I have said almost a post it-self.
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