Happy New Year everyone !! I have been meaning to get some blog posts here during the Christmas break, because there is lots to report, but I was busy just enjoying our days. Days that are warm in the mid morning to afternoon with California sunshine, and chilly in the evenings and early mornings, giving me the feeling of winter, the kind that I can bear. Oh, and in between, some very nice and well needed rainy days, a few just in time for Christmas eve, which justified staying inside all day, baking bread and a nice juicy ham for dinner, while sipping Bailey's & hot tea. Yes, this Christmas and New Years was a much more improved version than last years. I made a commitment to not overdue it, and to start
early on the buying and making of things. It worked. Smile
So, here it goes, the photo recap .....
Holiday Bread Wreath, complete with bits of thyme and sage inside, straight from the herb garden.

Blake had a ton of Happy "I can't wait till Santa comes energy", so I gave him some tools from my jewelry making kit, and some wire and showed him how to wrap it.

You can see his masterpiece behind him, I added a simple bead and a leather cord, then it became Grandma's handmade Christmas present, a one of a kind. She was thrilled !

These are Chloe's beautifully made, and hand painted clay pendants, before the leather cord. We had a great time at pottery class making them together a few weeks before. She gave me that pretty yellow and red star.

The soap dish, or whatever you want to use them for collection, from my tuesday evenings at pottery class. I wrapped these along with some handmade soaps from
Summers Past Farms. I think they were a hit. I sure had fun making them !

Pendants I made for Chloe & Blake, I have been known to wear them to...

Aprons for Aunt Sandy & Grandma Elva

Crochet Hook Clutch for my Mother

Our small pink tinsel tree, which took many tumbles this year, which might be its last, we just sort of gave up toward the end and stop putting the ornaments back on. Next year, a real tree !!

We had visitors from the blistery cold Midwest this year, Grandma Elva & Grandpa Myles, and my brother Uncle Andrew. Snow birds we call them.
Christmas Eve Dinner

The movement of Christmas Morning

Andrew soaking up the California Sun before he had to go back into hibernation

The only picture, but the best I have from New Year's Eve. Our friend
Ashley, with another friends lovable canine companion, Mini, part chihuahua, part jack russel. If we were to ever have a little dog, it would be just like Mini !!

Wishing you all the best in 2009 !!